Thanks, Los Angeles Review of Books and Flare

It was a good week. Minda Honey wrote a lovely essay in The Los Angeles Review of Books called Empty Beds, Empty Wombs: Life Beyond The Blueprint, and I was delighted to see It’s Not You included, along with Kate Bolick’s Spinster and my good pal Meghan Daum’s anthology Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed.

Also, Briony Smith at FLARE published a smart and raw piece about being single called Why Being Single Sucks: What No One Wants to Talk About. I loved talking to Briony a couple of months ago was glad to find out she’s as charming in print as she is in person–and to see my friend Melanie Notkin, author of Otherhood, in the piece, too!


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Thanks, Goodreads and Bustle

For including IT’S NOT YOU on these terrific lists:

Happy to be in such excellent company with Meghan Daum, Jen Doll, Diane Mapes, Kate Bolick, Rebecca Solnit, Elizabeth Gilbert, Karen Karbo and … Richard Yates!

Goodreads Good Minds Suggests: Meghan Daum’s Favorite Books About Living Life on Your Own Terms (Or What Happens When You Don’t) 

Bustle: 11 Literary Antidotes to Your Baby- and Wedding-Clogged Facebook Newsfeed


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My review of ‘The Real Thing’ in The Washington Post

This past weekend, my review of Ellen McCarthy’s THE REAL THING: Lessons on Love and Life From a Wedding Reporter’s Notebook appeared in The Washington Post:

On a single day in 2009, Ellen McCarthy became the wedding reporter for The Washington Post and broke up with her boyfriend of nearly two years. At age 30, she was suddenly a chick-flick cliche, interviewing florists and wedding planners between crying spells and dutifully smiling through conversations with blissful couples.

Fortunately, her book’s resemblance to a Katherine Heigl movie ends there. In “The Real Thing,” McCarthy never falls into a fountain, topples a wedding tent or spars with an infuriating groomsman who is actually perfect for her. Instead, she spends four years quietly standing in the corners of other people’s weddings in a simple black dress, taking notes. The result is a wise and compassionate look at how we love, along with some gentle suggestions for how we could get a little better at it.

You can read the full review here.

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‘How Do I Get Her Out of My Head?’

Dear Sara: I spent fourteen years with a woman, and afterwards she said it was only out of convenience and that she had found somebody else. I wasn’t very affectionate—you know, two jobs, but I loved her very much, and I can’t get her out of my head. How do I go forward?—A

Dear A: First, wow. That is a really hard thing to hear. It’s no surprise that you’re struggling to get past this.

But I’m glad you’re focused on moving forward. You have wisely recognized that much of the problem stems from a lot of pesky thoughts about your ex, thoughts that won’t leave your brain no matter how much you want them to.


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Women Think Men Prefer Conformists, But They’re Wrong

If you’re a single woman who has a brain and a backbone, you may suspect that these things are working against you in the dating arena. Maybe you read a dating guide that instructed you not to choose the restaurant or argue about politics. You need to let the man be the man! So hold off on the Yelp search and for heaven’s sake keep your opinions about Hillary Clinton to yourself!

Or maybe friends and family have gently suggested that you’re a tad too independent or intimidating. It’s not that they think that you shouldn’t have gotten that master’s degree or corporate-law job. Everybody’s super duper proud of what you’ve achieved! (more…)


A reader asks “What would you say to your 35-year-old self?”

Dear Sara: I’m two months away from turning 35. Despite my trying to stay away from depressing media and articles, I find myself getting sucked in anyway. What would you tell yourself as a single 35-year-old, knowing what you now know? —R

Dear R: When I turned 35, I had been unattached for four years, and that birthday hit me really hard. I had spent age 34 in a state of panic, thinking I just had to meet someone before this looming deadline. (more…)


A Woman Faces the Men Who Rejected Her—and Makes a Surprising Discovery

When Lea Thau was 38, her fiancé broke up with her while she was pregnant with their child. She subsequently became single for the first time in her adult life.

“I went from being engaged to be married and pregnant and looking for houses every Sunday to being eight months pregnant, alone in an apartment, discarded and devastated,” said Thau, in her astonishingly beautiful and raw podcast series Love Hurts.


Don’t Fear the Cupid

We all know that Valentine’s Day is a contrivance of greeting-card companies and florists. We all know that even those who have nice relationships aren’t really enjoying February 14, as there is nothing particularly romantic about eating overpriced heart-shaped ravioli in a restaurant full of unhappy couples on the coldest night of the year.

And yet, the holiday still manages to make many people like shit. (more…)


You’re More than Your Checklist

I frequently hear from readers who are confused about why they’re single, and their letters very often include a detailed list of their attributes. They typically go something like this: “I have a great job, lots of friends, work out regularly, am active in my church and frankly look pretty darn good for my age.”