Being single in a rural area

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    Although I love seeing all the various writers talking about their experiences being single, I have noticed one thing that separates me from them. Most live in a large urban area. Being single in a smaller centre or living rurally is a much different experience…not to mention dating. If you do put yourself out there to online dating, chances are you know half the people that are local to you or there is no one to choose from. I’ve found it difficult since I made the choice to live in a smaller area in my thirties and this was based around where I thought I would be happiest settling for a while. I know I could live in a big city, but if I ultimately want to live more rural, what would be the point of meeting someone who does not want this? I felt it would be better to live where you want to meet someone. Well, that was an easier concept when I was younger. Now, anyone available to date is generally someone you know or at least know their story and recently separated, divorced, widowed, etc.

    I’m just wondering if anyone else experiences this. It’s balancing trying to live your life regardless of your status with the lack of what is out there when you do. Other writers talk about their abundance of dates when they go online…it is not quite the same in a small town! I’d love to hear other’s stories about this.


    Yes! I’m so glad to know I’m not the only thirties girl to choose to live in a rural area. This is where my family lives and ultimately I wanted to settle down with a family in the area so I decided to go ahead and build my life here. I am about an hour from a major city so that is where most my online dating occurs. As soon as the guy hears I want to have my forever home in the rural area they run. I have never met anyone in the area that is available to date so I mainly date “city” guys who are unwilling to live more rural. While I don’t have advice but I too would love to hear how others handle this situation!

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